Karin Szekessy Prints for Sale
Karin Székessy studied photography in Munich from 1957 to 1959. From 1960 to 1966 she was working for the magazine Kristall. She went freelance in 1966 and established her own studio in 1974. She is most admired for her unique style of nude photography, which she took up in 1963. Using only daylight in dark interiors, long exposure times, or extreme wide-angle lenses, she carefully arranges her models in often surrealistic tableaux. Originally working in black-and-white, she later revived the old heliographic printing process. In the early 1970s, Székessy met her future husband, the artist Paul Wunderlich, who frequently used her photographs to spark his fantastic and erotic paintings, and in turn also inspired her work - a creative exchange which culminated in their collaborative book Correspondences/Transpositions (1977). She also photographed a portrait series of fellow artists entitled Zeitgenossen (Contemporaries; 1962-7), and taught fashion photography at the Hamburg Werkkunstschule (1967-9).